This Week at St. Mary’s

The events listed below are unique events for this week. We have plenty of organizations that meet weekly that are not listed. Find an organization that interest you on our community page.

You can also stay tuned to what’s going on by signing up for our Flocknote or by following us on Facebook and Instagram!

The Week of January 19

New Church closed on Monday mornings

A reminder that the New Church will open at 3:30pm on Mondays to provide time to clean up from the weekend.

I Want to Get Involved

If you're looking for ways to get involved and grow in your faith, we've got plenty of opportunities for you! Check out what's happening below, and if you're ready to take the next step, simply drop us a line at and we'll take it from there.

Spring Mass Schedule & Adoration

The full weekend Mass schedule is as follows:
Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (Spanish) & 6:00pm

The Noon Daily Mass will resume on Wednesday, January 15, 2025. Please note that the Thursday Noon Mass is held on campus at the All Faiths Chapel across from Sbisa Dining Hall.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is scheduled to resume Tuesday, January 21. All holy hour slots need to be filled before we can begin. To sign up, visit


Jubilee Year 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope

Be on the lookout for changes to landscaping and A Jubilee Year is a special year of remission of sins and universal pardon within the Catholic Church. Historically it happens every 25 years and is a time for spiritual renewal and conversion. The Jubilee Year is a sacred time for the Catholic Church, offering an opportunity to deepen our faith and experience God’s abundant mercy.

To learn more and how you can participate and receive an indulgence, visit

Called by Name Sunday is Next Week!

Next weekend is Called by Name Sunday, a Diocesan initiative that celebrates God's call to each of us to follow Him in a particular way. We invite you to participate by praying for vocations, being open to God's call, and spending time thinking about someone God may be calling to the religious life or priesthood. You can submit names at

Busy Students Retreat

Are you busy? St. Mary’s annual Busy Student Retreat is coming up, from February 9-14. It is free of charge, and we’ll have spiritual directors to walk with you and help you to encounter Jesus. More info and sign up at

Women's Retreat Spring 2025

All women students are invited to a retreat led by Carmelite Sisters on Friday, January 31 through Sunday, February 2. The retreat theme is Healing the Feminine Heart.

SEEK26 Registration for Aggies

Next year, join our Aggie FOCUS Missionaries will be at SEEK26 in Fort Worth. Register and learn more at

I Want to Serve at Mass

Liturgy Training begins January 18! Pre-registration and application required before or it can be completed on arrival. Check-in begins 30 minutes before start time in the church. Visit for more info and to sign up.

EMHCs: Sunday Jan. 19, 3:30-5:00pm
Sacristans: Monday Jan. 20, 2:00-3:30pm
Readers & Ushers: Monday, Jan. 20, 7:00-8:30pm.

Monday 1.20

Intern Applications Close Tonight!

Anyone who will be a junior, senior, or grad student in 2025-2026 is welcome to apply to be a student intern at St. Mary's. This is a paid position. Applications are due Monday, January 20 at 11:59pm. To learn more about available positions and to apply, visit

Tuesday 1.21

I Want to Become Catholic

If you're interested in becoming Catholic or if you want to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, you're invited to attend OCIA this Tuesday the 21st at 7:00pm in the Activity Center. Pizza is provided the first night!

Wednesday 1.22

Discernment Dinners

Discernment Dinners are back! Join us on Wednesday, January 22 for a meal, fellowship, and some thought-provoking content as we explore the priesthood and consecrated life. Ladies, you'll meet at the AVI Sisters' house, and men, you'll gather with the priests at the rectory. Please RSVP at

Friday 1.24

Movie Night with the Sisters

Movie night at the convent is back! Join the Apostles of the Interior Life at their home Friday January 24 from 7:00-10:00 pm for homemade pasta, a movie, and a good discussion. This is a great opportunity to bring a friend who wants to get connected. Please RSVP at to ensure a spot.

Coming Up

Aggie Awakening 125 

Aggie Awakening 125 will be held on February 28 through March 2! This is a powerful retreat where you can awaken your faith and grow your relationship with Christ through community. This retreat is led by students and is for ALL students at TAMU and Blinn for Freshmen through Graduating Seniors. Retreater and staffer sign-ups open next weekend, January 25 after the 5:30pm Mass and close February 2 at 11:59pm. You can sign up in person after all masses or online at Please email with any questions.

Ethics and Integrity in Ministry Training

The one and only EIM Training being offered at St. Mary's Catholic Center for the Spring Semester will be Wednesday, February 5 at 6:30pm in the Event Center. If you are going on a Mission Trip you must be EIM compliant. All leaders of St. Mary’s organizations, serving in the liturgy, and those who volunteer in an org that encounters vulnerable children or adults are required to attend a workshop. You can find the instructions for signing up at

Spring Break Mission Trips

Spots are still open on our Spring Break mission trips to Austin & Denver! If you are interested in learning more or applying, please visit! Applications will close when spots are filled.

Other News

How Do I Navigate Parking at St. Mary’s?

Parking for Masses on the weekend is available in our main lot out to your left, the small lot behind the Sonoco gas station and the small lot across from the old church as well as over flow parking in the gravel lot by the Hudson apartments across from the main lot.

Free parking is also available at the Northgate garage off College Main on Sunday mornings.

During the week if you come to pray or to study or hang out in the student center, you simply need to check in with the receptionist for the time that you’re in our buildings. If you’d like to park so as to also go to class we ask that you pay the daily fee through ParkMobile.

If you have any questions stop by or visit

FOCUS Athlete Outreach

Are you an athlete looking to get involved? We have athlete Bible studies available to help you or your team grow in your faith! Fill out this Google Form to get connected!

St. Mary’s Unexpected Pregnancy Hotline

If you or someone you know is unexpectedly pregnant, please know that St. Mary's has resources to support materially, psychologically, and spiritually both during and after pregnancy. We have a dedicated hotline (979-320-9780) that you can call or text with your first name and contact information. An adult will follow up with you. Students are not leading this ministry.

Local Service Opportunities

St. Mary's has many new ongoing opportunities this year to serve and encounter the poor through events such as lunch in the park with people in need, street ministry in Austin, Bingo and Ice Cream socials with the elderly, and helping mothers in need at the Elizabeth Home. If you would like more information visit

The Pursuit

Did you know? St. Mary's has a ministry called The Pursuit for students who experience same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria. The Pursuit provides a supportive and formative community of fellow students striving to live a virtuous life. Participation in this ministry is confidential. For more information, email or visit

St. Mary’s Podcasts

St. Mary’s hosts a few podcasts for some Catholicism on the go. If you want to hear homilies, check out our Aggie Catholic Homilies podcast. For talks like those heard at Magnify, check out our Aggie Catholic Talks podcast.

Spiritual Direction

Fr. Art is here to meet with individuals for spiritual direction or confession on Mondays beginning at 8:30am. His schedule is specifically reserved for students from 11am-3pm. You can sign up at the front desk or by emailing the receptionist at

Looking for more?

If you are looking for ways to jump in more regularly here at St. Mary’s click the link below to discover all of our ministries you can join now like The Rock (praise and worship), SMYRT (provides High School and Middle School Retreats), local service events, and more!