This Week at St. Mary’s

The events listed below are unique events for this week. We have plenty of organizations that meet weekly that are not listed. Find an organization that interest you on our community page.

You can also stay tuned to what’s going on by signing up for our Flocknote or by following us on Facebook and Instagram!

The Week of March 30

New Church closed on Monday mornings

A reminder that the New Church will open at 3:30pm on Mondays to provide time to clean up from the weekend.

I Want to Get Involved

If you're looking for ways to get involved and grow in your faith, we've got plenty of opportunities for you! Check out what's happening below, and if you're ready to take the next step, simply drop us a line at and we'll take it from there.

Spring Mass Schedule

The full weekend Mass schedule is as follows:
Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (Spanish) & 6:00pm

The Daily Mass schedule is Monday - Friday at 5:30pm, and Wednesday - Friday at 12:00pm. 

Please note that the Thursday Noon Mass is held on campus at the All Faiths Chapel across from Sbisa Dining Hall.


Catholic Relief Services

This week is the Catholic Relief Services Collection. This collection makes grants to six Catholic agencies that provide relief and support for struggling communities and work for peace both here and around the world. Please prayerfully consider how you can support the collection.

Matching Collection is Next Weekend!

Matching Collection is next weekend, April 5-6. Every donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $75,000 by a group of generous donors. We look forward to inviting you on mission with us, as we continue to form apostles for the church and the world.

Triduum Retreat Sign-Ups Open

Sign-ups are open for our Triduum retreat! This retreat focuses on the Sacred “Three Days” leading up to Easter (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday). We’ll look at the liturgies, prayers, and traditions that accompany the Triduum. The retreat is open to anyone and will meet here at St. Mary’s. Sign up and learn more at

CRS Rice Bowl

This Lent, join us in the CRS Rice Bowl, a program that helps us live our faith through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. To participate, grab a calendar for daily reflections and a rice bowl from the back of the church, and use it to collect alms in your household.

Easter Flower Donations

The deadline to donate for Easter Flowers is Sunday, April 13. If you would like to make a donation in memory of a loved one or for any other special intention, visit the front desk or grab an envelope in the narthex of the church for the contributions.

Sunday 3.30

Emmaus March Madness Event

For all those in Greek life or men's or women's orgs, Emmaus is hosting a March Madness watch party tonight at 7:30pm. Come hang out with us and bring your own beverage or non-alcoholic drink if under 21. There will also be pizza and s'mores and the address is 606 Montclair Ave. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday 4.2

Lenten Penance Service

St. Mary's will have multiple priests for the Lenten Penance Service on Wednesday, April 2. The Penance service will begin at 6:45pm with confessions starting at 7:00pm. Please note our regular confessions at 4:00pm on April 2 are canceled. Prepare your heart this Lent by receiving God's mercy and healing in the sacrament of penance.

Thursday 4.3

Jesus is Lord

We all carry crosses. Some are small, some feel overwhelming. But the cross isn’t just about suffering—it’s about redemption, love, and union with Christ.

Join us this Thursday, April 3 at 8:00 pm as Kevin and Sr. Clara lead us in reflecting on the Cross—and how Jesus invites us not to escape suffering, but to enter into communion with Him through it.

Date: Thursday, April 3

Time: 8:00 PM

Location: St. Mary’s Catholic Center

Friday 4.4

Confirmation Mass

Fr. James Misko, will be conferring the sacrament of Confirmation on 74 Catholics needing to complete their sacraments of initiation. The Confirmation Mass will be taking place at the 5:30pm Friday, April 4 Mass. There will be a light reception following the Mass in the JP II Event Center. Note that Mass will be longer than usual. Please keep all the confirmandi in your prayers. All are welcome to join.

Stations of the Cross

Join us every Friday after the 5:30pm daily Mass for the Stations of the Cross. Come meditate on the passion and death of Jesus during this Lenten Season. This Friday, the Stations of the Cross will be in the Historic Church.

Coming Up

Holy Week

As we look ahead to prepare for Holy Week, you can find the full schedule at Please note confessions and Mass will be held in the Historic Church Monday–Wednesday of Holy Week while the New Church is closed to prepare for the Triduum liturgies. The last day for confessions before Easter is Wednesday, April 16.

White Steeple Ball

Our annual White Steeple Ball is Friday, April 25 at 7:30pm at the Gin at Hildago Falls. Celebrate Easter joy with our Garden Resurrection theme. Enjoy hors d’oeuvres, dancing, and  be illuminated on the dance floor by the new blacklight feature! Buy tickets and learn more at

Other News

Jubilee Year 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope

Be on the lookout for changes to landscaping and A Jubilee Year is a special year of remission of sins and universal pardon within the Catholic Church. Historically it happens every 25 years and is a time for spiritual renewal and conversion. The Jubilee Year is a sacred time for the Catholic Church, offering an opportunity to deepen our faith and experience God’s abundant mercy.

To learn more and how you can participate and receive an indulgence, visit

How Do I Navigate Parking at St. Mary’s?

Parking for Masses on the weekend is available in our main lot out to your left, the small lot behind the Sonoco gas station and the small lot across from the old church as well as over flow parking in the gravel lot by the Hudson apartments across from the main lot.

Free parking is also available at the Northgate garage off College Main on Sunday mornings.

During the week if you come to pray or to study or hang out in the student center, you simply need to check in with the receptionist for the time that you’re in our buildings. If you’d like to park so as to also go to class we ask that you pay the daily fee through ParkMobile.

If you have any questions stop by or visit

FOCUS Athlete Outreach

Are you an athlete looking to get involved? We have athlete Bible studies available to help you or your team grow in your faith! Fill out this Google Form to get connected!

Catholics on the Quad 

Are you a Cadet looking for Catholic community? There are FOCUS Bible studies for both men and women Cadets to help you grow in your faith and fellowship. Visit to fill out the form and we’ll take it from there.

St. Mary’s Unexpected Pregnancy Hotline

If you or someone you know is unexpectedly pregnant, please know that St. Mary's has resources to support materially, psychologically, and spiritually both during and after pregnancy. We have a dedicated hotline (979-320-9780) that you can call or text with your first name and contact information. An adult will follow up with you. Students are not leading this ministry.

Local Service Opportunities

St. Mary's has many new ongoing opportunities this year to serve and encounter the poor through events such as lunch in the park with people in need, street ministry in Austin, Bingo and Ice Cream socials with the elderly, and helping mothers in need at the Elizabeth Home. If you would like more information visit

The Pursuit

Did you know? St. Mary's has a ministry called The Pursuit for students who experience same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria. The Pursuit provides a supportive and formative community of fellow students striving to live a virtuous life. Participation in this ministry is confidential. For more information, email or visit

St. Mary’s Podcasts

St. Mary’s hosts a few podcasts for some Catholicism on the go. If you want to hear homilies, check out our Aggie Catholic Homilies podcast. For talks like those heard at Magnify, check out our Aggie Catholic Talks podcast.

Spiritual Direction

Fr. Art is here to meet with individuals for spiritual direction or confession on Mondays beginning at 8:30am. His schedule is specifically reserved for students from 11am-3pm. You can sign up at the front desk or by emailing the receptionist at

Looking for more?

If you are looking for ways to jump in more regularly here at St. Mary’s click the link below to discover all of our ministries you can join now like The Rock (praise and worship), SMYRT (provides High School and Middle School Retreats), local service events, and more!