Prayer and Discernment

God alone knows the deepest desires of our heart. At St. Mary’s, you can experience wonderful ways to talk with Him in prayer. In that communication, He can reveal to us where we will be most fulfilled. That discernment will lead to the vocation to which we are called.

Prayer at St. Mary's


A night of adoration, praise + worship & inspiration. Guest speakers from around the country, and great musicians.  


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a form of prayer and devotion to Jesus Christ present in the Most Holy Eucharist.  

DMC on the Hill

Sing & pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet every Tuesday night at 9PM. Meet in the Marian Courtyard at St. Mary’s.


The Rock

The Rock at St. Mary's aims to glorify God in an intimate atmosphere through contemporary praise and worship.

Let's talk about

Let’s Talk About

Join us for a night were we bring in a speaker to talk about “hot topics” of the faith.


Discernment Dinners

We have separate dinner events for discernment on one Wednesday a month for both men and women. Whether you feel called to religious/consecrated life, marriage, or a single life, you are welcome!


Priesthood and Religious Vocations

A vocation is a call from God.  Regardless of our current vocational state God calls each of us to holiness in our own unique way.

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 St. Mary’s offers a variety of paths to help you prepare for your Christian marriage, to become that sign of the love of Christ for his Church. 

Discernment Deep Dives

These are interactive meetings held by the Apostles of the Interior Life for women who are interested in diving deeper in discerning God’s will for their vocation.



We are not meant to live our lives in isolation, and it is important to reach out to others and receive appropriate support when we need it.


The Pursuit

The Pursuit will provide a supportive and formative community of fellow students striving to live a virtuous life. Participation in this ministry is confidential.

Dating with Purpose

Dating with Purpose is a 6-week course here at St. Mary’s for seriously dating couples who want to discern marriage more intentionally with each other.