Music Ministry
Music at St. Mary’s is a blast! Our mission is to make beautiful, joyful worship, and good friends. Experience is great but not necessary.
Fall 2024 Music Ministry !
Music at St. Mary’s is a blast!
Our mission is to make beautiful, joyful worship, and good friends. Experience with music at Mass is great but not required - many of our members were in high school band, choir, orchestras etc, but just as many singers and guitarists had no prior music group experience. We have spots for people of different skill levels!
Ways to get in:
#1 - Please fill out the short INTEREST FORM below to put us in touch and gives us an idea about your musical interests.
#2 (Optional) - Sign up for an optional HELLO MEETING with one of our directors or student leaders for when you get to College Station in August. This is a short visit just to introduce us in person and a chance to get to know you as a musician. It can also be used as an opportunity to audition for a particular role or group if you like. For singers we just sing a few scales to find the high/low of your range, and sing some songs (can be anything you like) to get to know your voice and style. For Strings & Symphonic band instruments, guitarists, pianists, organists it’s also a chance for us to give you a head start on some of the songs and Mass parts we often play.
Daily Mass Group - Joining a Daily Mass group in addition to a weekend group is a great way to continue to build friendships and strengthen your musical gifts! These groups will meet each week to practice from 4:15-5:15pm and will stay to play every other week on their day of the week. If you are interested, please fill out the form below to sign up!
Some of our music groups include:
Vespers Choir (an SATB choral ensemble for singers with advanced choral experience)
Praise & Worship bands
Symphony Chorus (an SATB choral ensemble for all singers)
Women's Chorus (an SSA choral ensemble for all singers)
Men's Schola
String quartet
Wedding & Funerals cantors
No. Whether you just like to sing in your car, have some choir experience, or you are a veteran at cantoring at mass, we welcome all experience levels!
Sign up for an Intake Interview or Audition and if you're ready, we'll put you out there, and if you're not quite ready, we will grow with you!
Intake Interviews and Auditions help us match up students with similar skills and musical chemistry into groups that will work well together. They help us get to know everyone better, and identify strengths and weaknesses so we can give tips to improve. Or just to find the right place to start if you’re new. Some of our music groups are matched up by auditions, for others, it is not required.
Our auditions are not competitive, because Music Ministry is not a competition - it’s prayer, worship, and fellowship. Music Ministry has an important role of leadership for the congregation in worship (and a schedule of liturgies to fulfill!) so there is a lot to organize for the Fall!
Specialty groups & ensembles - This is an open invitation to any student (new or returning) who is interested in a specialty group (i.e. smaller ensembles) such as: Vespers Choir, Sunday Praise & Worship bands, Magnify/Special Events, Wedding/Funeral cantors, String Quartets, etc. For these groups it is important to match students with similar skills and styles.
Symphony Chorus cantors - Auditions are also for members of our primary choir (Symphony Chorus) who would like to be in the rotation for solo/cantor opportunities such as the psalm, antiphons, and other solos during a song. At choir rehearsal there are so many people that it’s difficult to know each individual’s voice or interests, so we can unintentionally overlook people that way. The audition time will help us give everyone an opportunity, and to plan for being successful when it’s their turn.
New people or incoming freshmen & transfers - If you are new here, or don’t know where you would fit in music ministry, sign up for an Intake Interview time and we’ll go from there when we meet. Just choose “Intake Interview” when it asks what type of time slot you are signing up for.
It varies a little depending which group you are interested in, but our simple Intake Interviews & Auditions consist of (you do not need prior experience, if you’re not familiar with any of these things that’s ok):
Scales - We will do some scales to find the high and low ends of your range.
A Song - We will ask you to sing a song that gives us an idea of your vocal style, melody, harmony. In addition, you can sing/play sa song of your choosing that you feel confident with, and feel presents your musicality well.
Sightread - If you read music, we will do a short sightreading exercise to see what level. For some groups (Vespers) sightreading is a requirement, for others it is not.
Schedule - We will talk about your schedule and other commitments, to help us form groups that can practice and perform together consistently.
Other - We can talk about other interests or desires you have related to music.
No, the audition is not required to be a member of our primary choir (the Symphony Chorus). Just come to the rehearsal at 8pm on Monday.
Symphony Chorus is St. Mary’s primary choir. The group has a mix of both experienced and new singers, and we sing music that is tailored to be very beautiful and prayerful without being too complicated. Ability to read music is helpful, but not required.
We want to meet you; hear you play to get a starting point; give you some music that we often play so you can start working on it; and and talk about which groups might be a good fit for you.
If you are play a symphonic band or string instrument, the Symphony Chorus orchestra rehearses on Wednesdays at 7-8:30pm, please reserve that time in your schedule! An audition is encouraged but not required (if you played this instrument in your HS orchestra/band).
A use of the “Returning Choir Member 1-on-1s” time is an opportunity for a few minutes of individual coaching for any choir member or instrument player (even if you’re not interested in a cantor role). This will help us get to know everyone’s strengths, weaknesses and desires a little better, or give you some tips in an area you’d like to improve. Choose “Coaching” when it asks what type of time slot you are signing up for.
Email Mike and Truely with individual questions to music@aggiecatholic.org.