Liturgical Ministries

Upcoming Orientations

Please see below for information on each ministry. All orientations will be held in the new church. Check-in will begin 30 minutes prior. Please pre-register and apply below. You will also be able to register and apply day of.

Altar Servers / Saturday, January 18 / 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

8:30 AM - Mass / Orientation will begin following Mass around 9 AM / Lunch will be provided.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion / Sunday, January 19 / 3:30-5:00 PM

Sacristans / Monday, January 20 / 2-3:30 PM

Readers & Ushers / Monday, January 20 / 7:00~8:30 PM


Sacristans serve a crucial role “behind the scenes” in preparation for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and other liturgies in a spirit of prayer and assistance to the priest, deacons, and Director of Liturgy. They oversee the preparations of all sacred vessels, ritual books, and lay ministers involved in serving at Mass. This position is open for both college students above the age of 18 and Permanent Parishioners. Sacristans should also be initiated Catholics and undergo training.


Altar Servers

Altar Servers represent the faithful and directly assist the priest and deacons at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and at other liturgies such as Solemn Vespers, Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Weddings, Funerals, and Processions. Altar servers are also trained as thurifers to provide incense for these liturgies. This position is reserved solely for male college students above the age of 18. Men, whether you are discerning a vocation to marriage or to the priesthood, this is a great way to grow in your faith and authentic brotherhood as you serve Christ.



Readers are lay ministers who proclaim the living Word of God at Mass leading others deeper into prayer with Sacred Scripture during the liturgy. To participate in this ministry at St. Mary’s, a reader must be a college student or permanent parishioner, be a fully initiated Catholic, and must undergo training.


Ushers & Hospitality

Ushers are men and women who embody Christian charity and attend to the needs and comfort of those here to worship. Our ushers host thousands of Aggies each weekend making sure they have a welcoming, safe and comfortable environment while expressing our hospitality as Aggie Catholics to give each person a suitable atmosphere for prayer before, during, and after Mass.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

EMHCs assist the clergy in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. Extraordinary Ministers are commissioned by the bishop out of a need of the Church to assist the ordinary ministers (bishops, priests, & deacons) in the distribution of Holy Communion. EMHC’s must be fully initiated into the Catholic Church, active & practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church, and undergo training at St. Mary’s. This ministry is open to both students and permanent parishioners.



Liturgical Music helps to elevate the heart and soul to God at Mass. St. Mary's Music Ministry has places for people of just about all ability & experience levels, different styles of music, and for instruments from A to Z (band, orchestra, choir, guitars, piano, organ, percussion, etc.).

Questions? Email David Ojeda, Director of Liturgy