“Through his Son the power of the Holy Spirit may be sent upon the water, so that those who will be baptized may be ‘born of water and the Spirit” (CCC, no. 1238)
Infant Baptisms
The Sacrament of Baptism of Infants is regularly held in English every month on the Second Saturday at 9:30 am (occasionally 9 am) and on the Fourth Sunday at 2:30 pm, and in Spanish on the Third Sunday at 2:30 pm. Please contact Rachael Cadena in the office with any questions.
English & Spanish Baptism Classes
Baptism preparation classes are the second Monday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Catholic Center. We ask that those who would like to attend the class, please fill out a registration form located below.
Who should attend the class?
Parents and godparents must attend a baptism class. It can be taken here at St. Mary’s or at a different parish.
Where should the Baptism take place?
The most appropriate place to baptize a child is in the parish church where the parents attend Mass.
Looking for Adult Baptism?
Requirements for Baptism
The Baptismal Application must be completed. (See documents below.)
A copy of the birth certificate of the child to be baptized is required by the Church before the baptism. This should be brought or mailed to St. Mary’s with the completed application.
Copies of a certificate or a letter as proof that baptism classes were attended by the parents and godparents.
Sponsor Covenant form completed by each godparent. (See documents below.)
For any godparent who is living with their significant other/spouse, we need a copy of their marriage certificate as proof that they are in a valid marriage in the eyes of the Catholic Church.
If the parents of the child are not members of St. Mary’s Parish in College Station , we need a letter of permission from the pastor of their Catholic parish.
All necessary paperwork must be in our office at least 3 days prior to the Baptism.
Choosing a Godparent
These are the qualities needed for someone to serve as a sponsor:
Is a baptized Catholic who has received the Eucharist and has been Confirmed.
Must be at least 16 years of age.
Is a practicing Catholic who participates in the Eucharistic celebration on Sundays.
Gives good example of living their Catholic faith.
Willing to encourage the child to develop and grow in the Catholic faith.
If there are two sponsors, one must be male and the other female.
The two godparents do not necessarily have to be of the same marriage.
If they are living with someone like husband and wife, their marriage must be seen as valid in the eyes of the Catholic Church.
A baptized non-Catholic may not be a sponsor but may serve as a witness alongside a Catholic sponsor. Together they carry out the role of godparents in the baptism. Non-baptized persons may not serve in the role of sponsors or witnesses.
Baptism Registration
Baptism classes take place on the second Monday of the month at 7:30 PM in the student center. Please register for the class so that our presenter will know there is an interest. The English class will be in Rm. 205 and the Spanish class will be in Rm. 204.
Las clases de bautismo ahora se llevan a cabo en persona el segundo lunes del mes a las 7:30 PM en el centro de estudiantes. Regístrese para la clase para que nuestro presentador sepa que hay interés. La clase de inglés será en el salón 205 y la clase de español será en el salón 204.
Important Documents
Baptism Class Records Request
If you need proof of completion of a Baptism Class that you attended here at St. Mary’s, please fill out the form below!