Seven Sisters Apostolate
Pray for our priests!
What is the Seven Sisters Apostolate?
The goal of this ministry is to have a group of seven women assigned to each of our three priests so that each priest at St. Mary’s has someone praying for them every day out of the year.
What kind of commitment does this require?
Each woman commits for a year to pray for one hour one day out of the week. Ideally, this will be in front of the Blessed Sacrament, either exposed in the Monstrance or hidden in the Tabernacle. This can take place at any parish. The seven women each take a different day. Each group also has a couple of subs.
Is there a leader for each group of seven?
One woman takes the lead in organizing the schedule at the beginning. That role will turn into a “point person” if there are any questions. She will also receive a monthly email newsletter from the founder of the apostolate, and they’re able to connect with some of the other Seven Sisters Apostolate groups in town. She is also known to the pastor/associate and will be able to pass along prayer requests from the priest to the group.
How do I join?
If you’re interested in being a part of the ministry as a member of one of the groups or as a sub, please contact Maria Casto. You can find more information about the ministry by going to the Seven Sisters Apostolate website at sevensistersapostolate.org.