Campus Ministry
Student Internships
Application Timeline
Applications due January 20, 11:59 PM
We will contact around January 21st for Round 1 Interviews
Round 1 Interview Breakfast: January 24th, 7 AM, Activity Center
Round 2 Interviews: January 30-31
We’ll contact by February 15th for job offers
The Internship Positions
Outreach/Hospitality Intern
“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it” (1 Cor 12:27).
In Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis emphasizes how authentic evangelizing communities pay careful attention to the details that cultivate a welcoming environment. We must constantly be welcoming people into the St. Mary’s community and connecting them to others who can accompany them on their journey. As the Connect Intern, you will be tasked with reaching out to those students who are not connected and helping them find their home at St. Mary’s. Must be present in College Station during Summer 2025.
You will assist with the following ministries: Welcoming new students, Hospitality, St. Mary’s Socials, and Student Outreach.
Formation Interns (2)
“The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes” (Psalm 19:8).
All disciples must continually grow in knowledge of the God they love and must deepen their understanding of the truth. As the Formation Intern, you will be tasked with teaching students about the Catholic faith in order to help them love God more deeply. This will involve a great deal of accompaniment through 1-on-1 meetings as well as speaking to large groups. Helpful charisms include: teaching, encouragement, evangelism, knowledge, administration, and pastoring.
You will assist with the following ministries: RCIA/Confirmation, Marriage Preparation, Magnify and Lenten Booklet
Men’s Discipleship Intern
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18).
Our students, particularly those who may not be involved yet, are constantly looking for community and ways to connect with it. This intern position will support our work to develop home groups, home group leaders, and connecting the men in the parish with Men’s ministry. Interns should know and understand what it means to be discipled and how to disciple others but know that you will be walked within discipleship by the campus minister.
You will assist with the following ministries: Men’s Discipleship, John 15, and Home Groups
Women’s Discipleship Intern
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers” (Acts 2:42).
Our students, particularly those who may not be involved yet, are constantly looking for community and ways to connect with it. This intern position will support our work to develop home groups, home group leaders, and connecting the women in the parish with Women’s ministry. Interns should know and understand what it means to be discipled and how to disciple others but know that you will be walked with in discipleship by the campus minister.
You will assist with the following Ministries: Women’s Discipleship, Home Groups, and John 15
Service & Missions Intern
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13: 34-35)
As a disciple of Christ, we are called to imitate Christ and we cannot do this fully without serving the poor. As the Service Intern, you will be tasked with accompanying students as they encounter the poor and help foster a culture of service at St. Mary’s.
You will assist with the following ministries: local service opportunities, mission trips and discipleship within the Hispanic community at St. Mary’s.
Liturgy Intern
“Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God” (Acts 20:28).
The Liturgy, especially the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, is our common worship of God and the source and summit of our faith. As the liturgy intern, you will have an opportunity to impact the liturgy at St. Mary’s by assisting with a variety of liturgical operations. These include but are not limited to: writing weekly general intercessions, training volunteers such as readers, ushers, sacristans, and altar servers, planning and managing daily Mass operations, overseeing adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, organizing the liturgical aspects of Magnify, and assisting with the preparations, planning, and execution of liturgical events like church cleaning, decorating, penance services, Ash Wednesday, and the Sacred Triduum. This internship will require a flexible schedule and have at least some knowledge of the Mass and liturgy.
Marketing and Communications Intern
Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing. (John 15:5)
Marketing and Communications will provide hands-on experience in marketing and communications. They will also support the MarCom team, assisting with content creation, event coverage, and multi-channel communication strategies.
Should plan to be able to attend new leadership orientation Spring 2025.
Must be able to attend staff training August 4th-8th, 2025, and complete internship through April 30.
Must be a devoted and faithful Catholic in good standing.
Interns should live an exemplary Christian lifestyle, so as to serve as a positive role model for others.
Must be classified as a Junior, Senior, or Grad Student in the fall of 2025.
Maintain a “2.5” grade average.
Interns cannot hold leadership positions on St. Mary’s student organizations during the internship.
Interns cannot hold an additional job during the internship while being a full time student.
Basic knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Church and Catholic theology.
Ability to operate a personal computer and various software programs.
Interns whose primary role is discipleship cannot be a bible study or home group facilitator.
Preferred knowledge, skills, and abilities
Interpersonal and human relations skills.
Verbal and written communication skills.
Ability to develop a good rapport with diverse groups.
Ability to motivate in religious areas and encourage faith sharing and community.
Ability to nurture Christian values.
Ability to attend to details.
Ability to perform duties with a sense of compassion, energy, openness, composure, and flexibility.
Formation & Professional Development
Maintain regular prayer routine and discuss with spiritual director at least once a month.
Spend 20 minutes of prayer before the blessed sacrament each workday or more, if possible
Attend Staff retreats, meetings, formation, etc. whenever free to do so.
Meet with the campus ministry team and the other interns for weekly prayer and discussion.
Attend one hour of formation with ministry team each week during internship
Keep and maintain electronic records of all events, programs and activities for future planning.
Submit time sheets promptly every two weeks.
Keep Intern office clean and organized.
Be familiar with other policies and procedures of St. Mary’s Catholic Center and the Diocese of Austin as outlined in “St. Mary’s Employee Orientation Manual” and “St. Mary’s Employee Handbook”.
Interns must be trained in and uphold the Diocese of Austin Ethics and Integrity in Ministry policy.
Be trained as an administrator of St. Mary’s website.
Proposed Projects
Student Relations:
Meet regularly with student leaders to encourage them, give feed-back, hear suggestions, and offer constructive criticisms.
Act as liaisons between staff and students in order to share comments, concerns, and suggestions.
Be willing to lead prayer and discussions when necessary.
Attend and participate in welcoming activities of fall/spring semesters and Leadership Retreat.
Other duties as assigned by the Director of Campus Ministry and campus ministry team.
Accompany students trying to find their way at St. Mary’s
Planning social outreach opportunities for the purpose of outreach and evangelization
Each intern will receive a $700 monthly stipend and be expected to work 10-15 hours per week. (+/- $6,300 over 9 months – August 1 through April 30)
While the pay period begins August 1st, interns are expected to report to training August 4th for a 30 hour work week.
The final paycheck will be received April 30, 2026.
Note: These are guidelines and are subject to change if the need exists.