The Week of March 23, 2025

Welcome to St. Mary’s Catholic Center in Aggieland! We’re glad you’re here.

Looking for something?

Weekend Mass

9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM (Spanish) & 6:00 PM

Saturday Vigil
5:30 PM

All weekend Masses are taking place in the main church.

Spring Mass Times

Daily Mass

Monday - Friday
5:30 PM

Wednesday - Friday: 12:00pm*

*Thursdays Noon Mass is held at All Faiths Chapel on campus.

All weekday daily Masses will be taking place in the main church.


Monday - Saturday
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

All confessions are now taking place in the main church. The line will form on the right side of the church. Signs will be posted.

Eucharistic Adoration

Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 10:00 PM

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Sign-ups for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament are now open! For more information click the link below.

Want to know what’s going on each week?

Subscribe to St. Mary’s Flocknote! We send out an email every Sunday morning with events and news.

Popular Events at St. Mary’s

Looking for an easy way to get involved at St. Mary’s? There are lots of different groups and events to get involved with, but here are some good places to start.


Magnify is one of the biggest events of the month at St. Mary’s. We bring in a speaker and musicians for a great talk, praise & worship, and Eucharistic adoration. Afterwards, meet fellow students, talk, and hang out! Check out our schedule and learn more!

Mission Trips/Service

St. Mary’s offers various different services opportunities including local service, mission trips, and long-term service. There’s always a way to help out our neighbors in need. Read more and learn about how you can get involved today.

Community Groups

If you’re looking for intentional community, we have lots to offer including Catholics on the Quad, John 15, Home Groups, Knights of Columbus, Pescadores, and more! Hit the link below to see our groups and find your fit!


Hear a good homily and want to re-listen to it or share it with a friend? Want to take time to sit with one of the talks from Magnify or “Let’s Talk About”? Subscribe to our podcasts and take those talks with you on the go!

The links below will take you to their pages, but these podcasts can be found on most podcast services.

Sunday homily recordings from the priests at St. Mary’s.

Recordings from talks at Magnify, “Let’s Talk About,” and more!

Forming apostles for the Church and the world